How to Combine Korean Consonants with Diphthongs
Hello! How have you been over the past week? You remember all the consonants and vowels I taught you before, right? Today, I'll show you how to combine consonants with diphthongs Number of Consonants and Vowels in Korean there are 19 consonants and 21 vowelsConsonants (19 total)Basic consonants: (14) ㄱ(g), ㄴ(n), ㄷ(d), ㄹ(r/L), ㅁ(m),ㅂ(b),ㅅ(s),ㅇ(ng),ㅈ(j), ㅊ(ch),ㅋ(k), ㅌ(t),ㅍ(p), ㅎ(h)Tensed consonan..